Rally scoring

What is a Rally Scoring in Pickleball & How Does it Play?

Rally scoring is the new format of Super leagues of Pickleball nowadays. It represents the Pickleball tournaments following the advanced events.

It’s a nutshell, meaning a score is gained after every rally. Therefore, it differs from traditional scoring or side-out, where only Serving Team achieves the score.

If you’re a pickleball player, coach, or enthusiast, you must know about traditional or side-out scoring and the Rally scoring system. With other sports such as ping-pong, squash, tennis, and badminton, volleyball encounters an excellent experience with the Rally score system. However, it looks like the future of this sport Pickleball. So, we are updating the details about Pickleball Rally Scoring.

What is a Rally Scoring in Pickleball?

What is a Rally Scoring in Pickleball?

In this type of scoring, the point is scored when the rally is made by the playing team, regardless of playing team is serving the team or receiving.   


Well, the rally is a continuous back-and-forth performance of the player in Pickleball that happens after the service and before the fault.

Two things are crucial in the rally, which can end the rally in Pickleball gameplay.


Players must know about the mistakes that can end their rally. Pickleball players commit some major faults.

  • The kitchen or NVZ faults
  • The ball may hit or strikes a permanent object while playing, such as with a net post.
  • Hit the ball with the net
  • Two-bounce rule of Pickleball is not performed 
  • Hit the ball to the out-of-bound region

Read More: Pickleball Kitchen Rules

Pickleball Players’ misbehavior on the Pickleball court

Rule violations are included here and are not considered players’ fault. For example, throwing a paddle at your other team.

What is Pickleball Rally Scoring?

It’s the conventional scoring approach where scores are accomplished at all the points played. Although, it’s the opposite of the current system, where points are achieved by only serving teams. 

Thus, in this scoring system, the returning and serving teams will win the rally when they get the point. Moreover, another vital feature is that Pickleball tournaments of rally-scoring are played with high scores (15-21). That’s why these tournaments grow more quickly than other traditional-scoring tournaments. 

Rally Scoring and Traditional Scoring Differences

Rally Scoring and Traditional Scoring Differences

In traditional scoring, Pickleball players must rotate their positions with their partners on the court while winning the point on service. When you serve from the left side, your partner is on the right side of the court. You would serve from the right side and your partner from the left to start the come to the point. It’s also the same case in the rally score game.

The only difference would be at getting the point, where traditional scoring allows achieving only to the serving team if they win the rally. If the receiving team players win the rally, they are not awarded their points.  

Pickleball Traditional scoring
Pickleball rally scoring

However, any team that makes and wins the rally is awarded his point during rally scoring. This team would either be serving or returning. 

The rally score game doesn’t contain the second service. So, once you lose the rally, your foe team gets the points and plays his service turn.

Volleyball Rally Scoring does not comprise the third number in the score announcement. Because there is only your score and your opponent’s. Traditional scoring is called out by three numbers, You – your opponent – server number. 

The traditional score game is played for 11 points. Rather the rally score game is played for higher scores (15 or 21). Thence, the rally-score game is faster and tends to move more quickly at the end than a traditional game. 

View More: Pickleball Serving Rules

How to do the Rally Scoring?

The forefront is to decide which team will serve first and which will receive. Besides this, you can also select the end of the court for both teams. Any one approach is acceptable from both. As:

  • Flip the coin
  • Rock paper scissors
  • Select 1 or 2 and let any other team guess it.

Then both teams have to set their players’ positions as who will be at right and who will be at left in a team. If the player starts the serve, he must be on the court’s right side (even side). At this time, the scorecard is at 0-0.

Now the serving team can make the Pickleball Points, the scorecard will become 1-0. The server player goes to the left, and the other partner will be to the right. He will serve from his left side now. Meanwhile, the returning team will not change their sides. 

If the serving team loses the point, then the upcoming scorecard will be game 1-0. The other team will serve now and call for the score. The notable point is that no team will rotate the position. The server is on the left side, and he will serve from here. 

Why is the server on the left side, not on the right? You may know that the score is 1-0.

You serve from the left corner > The score is odd

you are right > The score is even

Remember this concept and let the serving team make a point; the scorecard will show 2-0. Now that same first server is serving. 

Fortunately, there is no second server in the rally scoring, which tends to make the concept easy to understand for beginners. Likewise, the score dictating from the serving side may eliminate the confusion. 

When your first team scores 15 or 21, the tournament ends. So, two points should be different in the total score of both teams. We are showing another fact that, after the 20th point, the score only becomes on the serve. 

How to do the Rally Scoring?

Where “Official” Pickleball Rulebook Covers Rally Scoring?

Players may search for the rule that addresses rally scoring; it’s all here in the “Official” Pickleball Rulebook:

Opponents of rally scoring will argue that the founders intended Pickleball to be played in its original form (as-is) indefinitely. They maintain that altering the scoring system would alter the game’s strategy, potentially compromising its integrity. Though, this sport is conveniently perfect to play for both teams. 

Personally, we’re not entirely convinced by either argument, though we acknowledge and respect their perspectives. Many sports have adapted over time, incorporating changes to scoring to accommodate nuances and streamline gameplay for practical reasons.

The Important Points of Rally Scoring 

  • Every rally gives points to players.
  • In doubles pickleball, when players play the rally-scoring tournament, there is no server no. 1 and 2. Because only one server will play. Meanwhile, each player can enjoy the chance to serve the shot.
  • The right side of Pickleball Court is “even,” and the left side is “odd.”
  • The Serving team’s scores determine the side of the court and which serve is coming to be played. (Odd score to the odd side or even score to the even side)
  • When the serving player makes the score point, the same player will change to the other corner of the court, and he will serve. It is an exceptional situation when the teams have to switch sides.
  • The receiving team can make the rally and get the point.
  • A rally game is usually played for 15 or 21 scores with the win by 2 points difference. 

What does ‘Freeze’ mean in Pickleball? 

A pickleball freeze step occurs during rally scoring when a specific point threshold is reached, usually 18 or 20 points. At this moment, a team can only earn points when they are serving.

Serve-based Scoring

  • Winning Team Freeze: Once the winning team reaches 20 points, they can only score on their serves. Now, if the opposing team initiates the rally, the freezing team can’t score.
  • Losing Team Freeze: When the losing team reaches 18 points, it freezes and can only score while serving.
  • Tie at 19-19: If the score reaches 19-19 and then becomes 20-19, both teams freeze.
  • Win by Two: one of the teams must secure victory by a margin of at least two points. If a team reaches 21 points but doesn’t lead by two points, the game continues until a two-point lead is achieved.

Exciting Innovations in Major League Pickleball

Pickleball players experience the thrill of league play with rally scoring in Major League Pickleball (MLP). In 2023, MLP made the groundbreaking decision to adopt rally scoring and revolutionize the sport in several key ways: 

  • Enhanced and Dynamic Tournament 

Rally scoring has streamlined tournament play and made it more TV-friendly without sacrificing the sport’s quality. Players don’t need to endure days of lengthy games and unpredictable schedules. It brings supreme efficiency to the tournament and ensures a fast-paced and exhilarating experience for players and viewers alike.

  • Evolution of Strategies

Rally scoring has sparked a fascinating evolution in player strategies within MLP. Although some argue it leads to less strategic gameplay, it’s more accurate to say it prompts a shift in strategy (“Different Strategy”). Players must now approach shots with greater precision and patience, so they may adapt advanced strategies in their gameplay to stay ahead of the curve. This adaptation brings innovation among MLP’s top players and assists them in enriching themselves in the sport.

  • Expansion of Fan Base

The introduction of rally scoring has played a vital role in expanding Pickleball’s fan base. As this sport reaches a critical mass of awareness, attracting new fans becomes a top-notch approach. This marks the beginning of what’s known as the “trough of disillusionment,” a term coined in Silicon Valley to describe trends in which individuals initially hold the hype, only to later lose interest before potentially re-engaging further along the line.

Hence, advanced strategies, mainly Rally scoring’s fast-paced nature and high-risk factors, make for captivating playing and viewing. However, this strategy distinguishes Pickleball from other slower-paced sports. By exhibiting the excitement of rally scoring on television, MLP has effectively gained a new fan base. This aspect ensures that the sport will continue to grow.

Rally Scoring in MLP

MLP’s implementation of rally scoring includes nuanced modifications to enhance this gameplay:

  • MLP Games are played to 21 points, with a win-by-2 (Scoring) Rule.
  • If a team reaches 20 points, it can only score on its own serve. This is known as Frozen at 20 scores.
  • When your opponent reaches 20 points, your team can keep scoring points while receiving on side-outs until you reach 20 points, too. At that point, traditional scoring rules apply for both teams, where points are only earned through successful serves.
  • Well, players aren’t allowed to rotate their sides after winning points. They should maintain consistency in serving positions (Player A at right with even scores and Player B at left with odd scores).

However, professional players awesomely favor MLP events. They often name MLP events as their top picks of the year. The substantial prize pool, exceeding $5 million for only six MLP tournaments in 2023, can also be a contributing factor to its popularity.

Evolution of Sports and Scoring Systems

Sports, including scoring methods, have evolved over time. For instance, both badminton and volleyball have comprised rally scoring in the past few decades. Tennis, too, has undergone noticeable changes to maintain its picture-perfect performance at expediting matches. 

Wimbledon implemented a final-set tiebreaker starting in 2019 when the set reaches a tie at 12 games. The All-England Lawn Tennis Club hosted him. Likewise, in 2023, the Australian Open introduced a first-to-10-points tiebreaker for the final set tied at 6-6. It eliminates the possibility of extended sets like the famous 70-68 fifth set at Wimbledon

Tennis sport experimented with no-ad scoring and 8 or 9-game pro sets at the amateur level, all of which required strategic adjustments. As per our suggestion, these innovations in tennis should be commended.

Bottom Line about Rally Scoring in Pickleball

Pros of Rally Scoring

  • One significant advantage is the quick completion of gameplay.
  • Accurate Player Ratings: Every point counts, leading to more precise assessments of player skill.
  • More players are capable of achieving the chance to play. It’s an ideal sports match for crowded communities or courts, and the game rotates quickly.
  • Predictable Game Times: This consistency is crucial for marketing the sport nationally and reaching a broader audience.
  • The Pickleball tournament duration is extremely consistent and predictable in this scoring system. There is more pace for scoring while each point is gained. It’s very opposed to the traditional method, where more points are played without getting scores if no ay player converts these points into the serve. For instance, if a traditional round typically lasts 25 minutes, rally scoring reduces gameplay time by approximately 20%, or around 4 minutes.
  • The fast-paced nature of this scoring system is appealing to viewers, driving ticket sales and serving as a valuable broadcasting asset. Faster-paced sports tend to attract more televised spectators and offer increased sponsorship opportunities and revenue
  • This rally game is easy for players, especially beginners, to track. They can easily remember from which corner (side) of the court the next serve will be played.
  • Simplicity for Beginners: Rally scoring is easier for newcomers to grasp.
  • Better for Gambling: Some believe rally scoring provides a more suitable format for betting, contributing to the sport’s growth.

Visit for Enjoy: Pickleball Singles Scoring


  • Less Strategic: If you’re a fan of intricate strategies and careful planning, rally scoring may not be your cup of tea.
  • In this scoring system, executing the third shot becomes trickier and riskier. Skilled players may struggle with hitting the net too high or making errors. It may result in lost points and serves for their team.
  • Beginner players often find this style of play challenging. It may restrict their ability to grasp and enhance their Pickleball skills.
  • Notably, rally scoring is not officially included in the Pickleball rulebook.


During the rally score game, both teams can win the scores on the rally. On the other hand, side-out scoring, just serving team can get the point on rally creation. 

Moreover, Rally-scoring ends at 15 or 21 points, and side-out scoring ends at 11. 

Badminton, squash, Ping-Pong and Volleyball rely on rally scoring and excellent results. In Pickleball, both the receiver and the server teams can score. 

While playing Volleyball, when a team makes the rally point, gets the score, and players rotate their positions clockwise. 

MLP allows rally scoring during its events until one team reaches 20 points. Subsequently, teams can only score when they have the serve.

Final Verdict

The Rally scoring method is not officially implemented for the Pickleball game. Still, it’s associated with pickleball games and important to know what it means and how it works for Pickleball players.

In this gameplay, points are gained by any team that needs to make the rally. The serving and receiving team has the chance to make the rally. However, players love to implement it in their matches. The scoring game in Pickleball is a source of socialism and enjoyment for players. 

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