what is a fault in pickleball?

What is a Fault in Pickleball? Limited Things to Avoid

Pickleball fault at non-volley zone line results in loss of serve; common faults include stepping on the line, service foot faults, and violating the two-bounce rule.

Pickleball sport has assigned official rules to govern the game in its specific court. Its leading team is the USA Pickleball Association. Though, breaking the game regulations as this aspect comes in the faults set. It’s the rules violation of players. The common faults are volleying the serve returning shot, striking the player’s ball into the net or out-of-bounds, and foot fault in NVZ. 

Pickleball Court Dimensions

4 Common Faults of Avoiding the Winning Strategy

Four faults are forgetting about Pickleball foot faults, two-bounce rule, service faults, and hitting balls out of bounds. 

Two-bounce Rules

The two-bounce rule is tripping you up when you are moving from tennis. Usually, players move quickly towards the ball after serving and want to smash it for the winner, in case it floats upright.

“The serve shot and return shot must both bounce on the court before these are played on account of the Double-bounce rule. Meanwhile, the two-bounce rule is also taken as the same as two bounces on each side happening before struck. The name is upgraded for the same rule as well.

Therefore, when you play this two-bounce law successfully, you may strike your volleyball (out of the air) on frequent shots. It means the returning team is the one who gets the 1st great chance of hitting their ball out of the air. 

Double bounce rule

Out of Bound ball hitting

All balls are officially considered as “in” the game by landing on the centre, sideline, non-volley zone line or baseline, anywhere inside or on the pickleball court lines except the service shots. 

While playing the service shots, pickleball players’ balls should never land or touch NVZ or NVZ lines. Instead, these shots can land on all other court regions and move in the appropriate direction (diagonally from the server side). 

Ball never lands on the NVZ line or Kitchen during service otherwise considered as “out” of bound.

Foot Faults

Two categories

  • The player is serving at the baseline of the Pickleball court
  • The player plays his shot at the NVZ line

Players need to know about the two positions of foot placement and avoid the faults in Pickleball. Though, “What is a Fault in Pickleball” is quite straightforward to adapt. 

‘It occurs at NVZ line when a player steps on line and makes contact to ball without it’s prior bounce.’

However, stepping over or on the service line while playing serve is taken as a fault. You need to contact your ball first and then touch the line or in the court. Here you also can’t move across the imaginary lines that are designed as a sideline during serving or the extension of the centre line.

The other major mistake occurs on the NVZ line. Walking on the NVZ or its line during or after a volley shot. You may step there by your unbalanced momentum; it’s the major fault. 

Service Faults

Three vital factors are recommended on the serve shot by utilizing the traditional toss. The ball must be released from the player’s hand and then hit out of the air. So, these rules are:

  • Contact your ball from the lower side of your waist
  • Utilize the swing motion from the lower to the higher side
  • The player’s wrist must be above the ball’s height at making contact.
  • When you’re playing, the drop serves; these rules are inefficient for you there.

Service Foot Faults

Here, what is a fault in pickleball is directly associated with (server’s position) service foot faults. Though these may include:

  • The server’s feet move outside of the court’s centerline plane.
  • The server’s feet come in contact with the region outward of the sideline plane.
  • The server’s feet directly touch the court part.

Commit the Fault (common reasons) 

Although, beginner players may feel overwhelmed by the pickleball rules and regulations. You can easily adapt these rules and prevent the common mistakes of the gameplay. You will swiftly become an efficient player when you initiate your game and take a bit of drill. Hence, to play conveniently, focus on avoiding the common causes of making faults in pickleball games. You can become an unbeatable player by learning these reasons for faults:

Pickleball Rules

  • Players are capable of rotating their shots in the net or out of bounds anytime while making points.
  • The serving ball lands out of receiving court boundaries.
  • Returning serve strikes to the net of the court. Meanwhile, it doesn’t move on the opponent’s side.
  • The ball is volleying, as it’s bouncing after the serve, and both teams let it do it.
  • Your ball is volleyed in the NVZ
  • Twice bounce the ball on the same side before you contact the ball on that side.

Read More: Pickleball Faults

What does mean of a fault in pickleball sport?

Hence, after watching the details view on pickleball faults, now it’s possible that you’re aware of what is a fault in Pickleball.

The next thing is, what does it mean that you’re at Fault? “Fault” means you are making a mistake or violating the Official rule of Pickleball and its court.

Two integral things about Fault

  • When you are a serving team member and perform the Fault, you have lost the serving rights. Now the serve moves to your opponent’s team on the court
  • While playing your turn in receiving team and perform a fault. It shows that other team players get the point.

How to overcome the faults proof in your Pickleball Game?

As a pickleball players, we offer the best ways to avoid these faults and penalties. We played and also shared our explicit tips for eliminating the mistakes:

  • Knowing the rules of Pickleball is a clear way to prevent yourself from receiving faults. Though you pickleball court rules, the grip is the first element that can exclude the faults of your game. After knowing the rules, you stay away from rule violations.
  • “Pickleball player’s practice in the officially recommended court” is another way to prevent faults. The common strategy is that practice makes you a skillful person. Likewise, spending your time on the court, analyzing the player’s game tactics, and participating in some matches make you a perfect player.
  • The ordinary weak concept is about NVZ. The three-and-a-half-foot area on any net side may enlarge the court’s width. Initiating or returning a volley shot by standing on it is the usual mistake of players. You must try to take quite advanced level drills to avoid this Fault is the vital tip for you. 
  • Pro tip

Go to the NVZ as quickly as you can. Doing this can cut down your opponent player’s shot angles. It allows you to manipulate the pace for the score. 

Pickleball’s Popularity Factors

  • It’s closest to encouraging interaction and bonding among players, making it a contagious and social game.
  • Pickleball’s court locations in public spaces, parks, and recreation centers, enhance accessibility and encourage widespread participation.
  • It comes with easy-to-understand rules that make it accessible to individuals with varying skill levels, promoting inclusivity.
  • Its cost-effective installation and adjustable poles allow for versatile use. Thus, it promotes affordability and creativity in your gameplay.
  • Sport’s flexibility to play indoors or outdoors offers engagement at any time.


By moving the service to sideout, serving players have a great chance to serve from the even/right of the court. They play the score shots until they commit two faults. 

While serving, players step on or over the line where they are not allowed. Don’t hit the balls over the court net. Contacting the net. Interfere with the ball or players and reach the court net.

The pickleball player’s action that can stop him from making the scores (rule violation) is the fault

Receiving teams’ fault leads the score to serve the team

Serving team’s fault > serve loss

Moreover, foot, service, and NVZ faults may occur

Final Verdict about What is a Fault in Pickleball?

In pickleball sport, minimizing the mistakes can improve your sport’s grip of rues and enhance the enjoyment immensely. There are some common faults, including kitchen faults, foot faults, service faults, hitting ball errors so on. After going through this guide, we’re happy that you’ve thoroughly learned what is a fault in Pickleball. You can perform your best match by learning the pickleball court rules and making professional drills. 

Court Rules

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